The following operations are supported. For a formal definition, please review the Service Description.
- AcceptTimes
- Accept_Booking
- Add_Attendee
- Add_Incident
- Add_LeaveEntry
- Add_Roster_Availability
- Add_Travel_Roster
- Add_client_Note
- Copy_Web_Document
- DecrementSessionCounter
- DownloadFile
- EndJob
- GetDomain_with_Criteria
- GetEmailSettings
- IncrementSessionCounterX
- Job_Already_Started
- Job_status
- KMAgainstTravelOnly
- Login_PinCode_With_Processing_Job
- Login_Receipient_Pin
- Login_Receipient_Signature
- Login_Staff_PinCode
- Login_User
- Login_User_Signature
- Login_user_with_Microsoft
- Make_update
- Process_SleepOver_Jobs
- Pushups_Notification
- Register_Device
- Remove_Web_Document
- Save_Receipient_Signature
- Save_User_Signature
- SendEmail_Alerts
- Set_client_Note
- StartJob
- UploadFile
- Web_service_VersionNo
- addCheckList
- getAlertGroups
- getAlert_Messages
- getAllAlertGroups
- getAllTaskList
- getBookingRosters
- getCheckList
- getClientDocuments
- getDailyCheckList
- getDailyCheckList_log
- getDevice_Active_Reminders
- getDevice_Reminders
- getGoalPlans
- getJobs_Data
- getMonth_Rosters
- getMonth_Rosters2
- getOP_Case_NoteAll
- getOP_Case_Notes
- getProgram_Recipients
- getRecipient_Detail
- getRecipients
- getRoster
- getRosterDate
- getRoster_Datewise
- getRoster_Recipient
- getRoster_RecipientAll
- getShiftGoals
- getStaffAlert_Messages
- getStaff_Recipient_Detail
- getTaskList
- getTimeSheets
- getToken
- getTransport_Detail
- getTravelInfo
- getUser_Settings
- getValue_public
- get_Date_Rosters
- get_Incident_DistributionLists
- get_Incident_Staff_Emails
- get_Paid_Hours
- get_RecipientPhoto
- get_Recipient_Goals
- get_Recipient_Goals_Strategies
- get_Recipient_ShiftGoals
- get_Service_wise_Shift_goals
- get_Strategies